Best Oscar Winning Car Films

Hollywood, LA — The red carpet is ready to be rolled out in Los Angeles for the 89th Academy Awards on Feb. 26, when motion picture’s finest will be showered with golden statuettes.

As this year’s Oscars ceremony approaches we reminisce over famous car movies and the high octane motors that featured in them; so here’s our list of Oscar winning car movies…

Top 5 Oscar Winning Cars Video:

Oscar Winning Car Movies

Here are the pictures that prominently featured a car in the reel and managed to pick up a golden statue for their efforts:

  • Bullitt - 1968 (Best Editing, Best Sound - 1969)
  • Little Miss Sunshine - 2006 (Best Supporting Actor, Best Writing, Original Screenplay - 2007)
  • Mad Max: Fury Road - 2015 (Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Production, Best Makeup, Best Cinematography – 2016)
  • Grand Prix - 1966 (Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Mixing - 1967)
  • Back to the Future - 1985 (Best Sound Editing – 1986)
  • The French Connection - 1971 (Best Picture - 1972)
  • Driving Miss Daisy - 1989 (Best Picture, Best Acress, Best Screenplay, Best Makeup - 1990)

Oscar Nominated Car Movies

Here are the movies that were good enough for a nomination but just missed out on delivering their winner’s speech:

  • Days of Thunder - 1990 (Best sound - 1991) 
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - 1968 (Best music, Original Song – 1969) 
  • Taxi Driver - 1976 (Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Music, Original Score -1977) 
  • Transformers - 2007 (Achievement Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Visual Effects - 2008)

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