Many motorists find using a car park scary, survey finds

Around one in three motorists questioned in a recent survey are reluctant to leave their vehicle in car parks because of safety concerns.

A recent survey has found that a large proportion of motorists have concerns about using public car parks, finding them unsafe.

The website YourParkingSpace questioned 290 people about how they felt about using a car park, and one in three respondents said they felt unsafe using one.

23 per cent of the respondents said they consider safety and security to be the most important factors when choosing a place to park.

The managing director at YourParkingSpace, Harrison Woods, said: “This time of year, when the clocks go back, is unfortunately a time that tends to see an increase in vehicle crime and burglary as criminals take advantage of the darker nights.”

Precautions which motorists can take while parking, such as leaving their car somewhere well lit and in areas with surveillance, have been highlighted by the website.

Woods added: “Not all car parks are dark and sinister places, in fact far from it, but taking a few precautionary steps can significantly reduce the risk of parking related crime as well as reduce the worry of being a victim in the first place.”

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