Skoda survey reveals that a third of Brits give their car a name

The survey found many drivers liked to name their cars after celebrities

A poll carried out by Skoda UK has found that nearly a third of UK motorists name their cars.

The study of 2,000 drivers found that 32 per cent named their cars, with celebrity names proving popular – Beyoncé, Harrison Ford and Elvis Presley all came up in the survey.

The Skoda survey acknowledges the connection many have to their cars, as a further quarter had named three or more of their cars throughout their lifetime. Other names that appeared several times in the poll included Betty, Freddie, Daisy and Rosie.

The most popular reasons as to why motorists named their cars were because it made them laugh (29 per cent), because it looked like that particular name (20 per cent), while others said names were chosen because it reminded them of a loved one or family member (eight per cent).

Other findings from the survey found a regional divide where motorists do and don’t give their car a name. The West Midlands was where those were most likely to name their vehicle, with 37 per cent, while those in Scotland and Wales were less inclined, with 25 per cent naming cars in both locations.

The findings come not long after Skoda has launched its new in-car digital voice assistant called Laura, which is operated in a similar way to Alexa and Siri. You can find the tool on Skoda’s latest models – including the Kamiq and new Octavia that arrives in showrooms in July.

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